
Work Experience

Today was my last day of work experience at a local primary school. I have had a lovely two weeks and I am pretty sad it's over : (

Each class in the school makes a decoration to hang in the assembly hall at Christmas... so my job for one class was to illustrate three wise men and a camel, these were then photocopied ready for them to then collage.

Yesterday I was called into the class and made to stand in front of 64 children whilst Mr. Ruffle explained to the children that they had had their very own illustrator to help create there decoarations... embarrassingggg!

I think they look lovely though : )


Book Front Cover Design

This is the initial plan for my front cover design. I need to tweak a few bits but I'm pretty happy with the general idea : ) Also... in my sketchbook this design has a nice little border around it, but me sketchbook was to hugemungous for the scanner and it didn't show up fully.

Had a really helpful tutorial with children's book illustrator Salvatore Rubbino today. Discussed my worries about the writing part of my book. He gave me the very true advice that children love silly words - therefore I will be trying to incorporate as many of these as  possible! 

I had my first day of work experience at a lovely little primary school in Southbourne today, the children are adorable - maybe I should listen in on their conversations in the hope that they might help me on the silly word front! 

Toodle pip for now!



A Recipe for a Perfectly Embarrassing Pooch

So here is my recipe... I think! I'm not happy with the little characters in the back, they were so small it was difficult to put any detail on them so they look a bit pants. If I get enough time may be I'll make another attempt!

Illustration Group Publication

So us third years are doing a little publication with the title, 'A Recipe For...' We are all adding an illustrated recipe, but not your average food recipes...

Here is my letter for the front cover title. We had to make our letter relate to the theme of our recipe, mine being 'A Recipe for the Perfectly Embarrassing Pooch'. Inspired by that mischievous little pup of mine. 

(The first one wasn't bold enough for the title page.)